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ALPHA Radish™  Resource Guide

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Planting: 3-10 weeks prior to first freeze 

Seeding Depth: 0.25 - 0.5”   

Can be planted 1” in light soils if necessary to reach moisture. Comparable seed on drill chart is Alfalfa (reduce by 10%). 

Seeding Rate: 

Drilling (7.5” rows): 6 lbs/acre- Broadcast / Aerial: 8-10 lbs/acre

Precision Planting (15” with 4” in-row spacing): 4 lbs/acre (Kinze Brush Meter with Backing Plate and other planters using Small Sugar Beet Plate set to 100K Pop)

For Forage: Increase drilling rate to 8-10 lbs/ac.



ALPHA Radish™ winter kills with 3 nights in the mid-teens. If planted very early as a cover crop, flowering can develop before they’re winter killed. This can be controlled with mowing, grazing or burndown using one quart of glyphosate along with one pint of 2,4-D equivalent at flowering.

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